Plugugly Art is a site owned by one of the tattoo artists from Underground Art. He had been wanting a web presence to show off his artwork, and after seeing the Underground Art website, he asked me to build it for him. I was happy to do so.
Since Plugugly Art is a gallery site to show off artwork, I wanted the design of the site to be very simple so as not to distract from the artwork. A white background, and clean lines was what I was after. I wanted to show off the artwork, not the backgrounds and such.
Like the Underground Art website, Plugugly Art has a full blown custom content management system in place to allow for easy updating of the entire site. No knowledge of any code is required. Images can be added, edited, and deleted, and entire galleries can be created for any new artists that join Plugugly Art. On the home page, news items can be added or deleted, as well as featured artwork. News items less than a month old are displayed on the home page while older news is automatically moved to the archives page.
Plugulgy Art was written in php with a MySQL database backend. It is a tableless design that uses CSS for the presentation. This seperation of content and presentation improves accessibility, and also provides more flexability.